North American Heavyweight Title: Title Histories

North American Heavyweight Title: Big Bear - Ontario

Archie Gouldie1974/05
Holds Calgary version, also billed as champion in London, ON.
Luis Martinez1974/05/29?London, ON?
Archie Gouldie [2]1974/06/09Sarnia, ON
Vic Rossatani1974/07 //
Sometime after 74/06/26.
Archie Gouldie [3]1974/07/10?London, ON?
Bobo Brazil1974/08/21?London, ON?
Still champion as of 74/10/13.
Stan Stasiak1974/12/21 //
Tony Parisi1975/07/25 //
Billed as champion at start of season; still champion as of 75/08/22
Waldo Won Erich1976/05
Billed as champion at start of season.
Billy Red Lyons1976
Chris Colt1976/08/17Simcoe, ON
Billy Red Lyons [2]1976/08/24Simcoe, ON
Geeto Mongol1977/06/15 //
Billed as champion at start of season; inactive until 82
Whipper Watson Jr.1982/07
Billed as champion at start of season.
Chris Colt [2]1982/07/04Scarborough, ON
Canadian Wildman (Dave McKigney)1982/07
Chris Colt [3]1982/08/01Scarborough, ON
Whipper Watson Jr. [2]1982/08
Chris Colt [4]1983/08
Billed as champion after the start of season.
Johnny Valiant1983/08Cornwall, ON
Title inactive